I had a similar upbringing, rooted in religion with tension to be the rebel against preconceived norms and ideas. The initial years of my adulthood were focused so much on repairing the ruptures in my relationship with my parents. This piece makes me feel heard, now as a freethinker and someone that understands ‘why’ people conform (because it’s generally more than “bc someone said so”)

I devised a metaphor on this same sentiment, would encourage you to have a read if you have time: https://loafofthought.substack.com/i/76480871/the-human-hard-drive

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Truth seeking is often a lonely journey. We don't get the validations or confirmations from the ones we seek.

But, life's not just life without this. And either we do it willingly or life has it's ways to throw this upon us, sometimes through inspiration, sometimes through tragedy.

Great piece man! Keep writing

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Appreciate it, Tyler. Great points!

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Thanks for sharing, rish. And love to see you’ve also taken the initiative to become a freethinker.

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